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丁卯年五行属什么 丁卯年对应的年份

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 丁卯年五行属什么 丁卯年对应的年份


Bing Zi Ding Chou Wu Yin Ji Mao Geng Chen Xin Si Ren Wu Gui Wei Jia Shen Yi You Bing Xu Ding Hai
    Wu Zi Ji Chou Geng Yin Xin Mao Ren Chen Gui Si Jia Wu Yi Wei Bing Shen Ding You Wuxu Ji Hai
    Geng Zi Xin Chou Ren Yin Guimao Jia Chen Yi Si Bing Wu Ding Weiwu Shen Jiyou Gengxu Xinhai
   Renzi Guichou Jiayin Yimao Bingchen Dingsi Wuwu Jiwei Gengshen Xinyou Renxu Guihai
   This cycle is called "Yi Jiazi", which is 60 years.
   Sixty Jiazi Five Elements Nayin Table
   Jia Zi Yi Chou gold in the sea, Bing Yin Ding Mao in the furnace fire, Wu Chen Ji Si big forest, Geng Wu Xin Wei roadside soil,
   Ren Shen Gui You sword edge gold, Jia Xu Fire on the mountain top of Yihai, water in Dingchou stream of Bingzi, earth on the city head of Wuyinjimao,
   Pink gold in Gengchen and Xinsi, willow wood in Renwu and Guiwei, spring water from Yiyou well in Jiashen, earth on the house in Bingxu and Dinghai,
   Wuzi Ji Chou thunderbolt fire, Geng Yin Xin Mao pines and cypresses, Ren Chen Gui Si long flowing water, Jiawu Yiwei sand in the gold,
   Bingshen Dingyou mountain fire, Wuxu Jihai plain water, Gengzi Xin Chou wall soil, Ren Yin Guimao Gold foil and gold,
   Jiachen and Yisi are covered with lights, Bingwu and Dingwei Tianhe water, Wushenjiyou Dayi soil, Gengxu Xinhai hairpin and gold,
   Renzi Guichou mulberry mulberry tree, Jiayin Yimao big stream water, Bingchen and Ding There is earth in the sand, there is fire in the sky at Wuwu,
   Gengshenxinyou pomegranate wood, Renxuguihai sea water.
   What does Ding Maonian mean?
   The fourth year of a cycle (60 years) in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar is called the Dingmao year. The years from the beginning of spring of the current year to the beginning of spring of the following year are all "Dingmao years". The previous year was the Bingyin year, and the next year was the Wuchen year.
   What is the zodiac sign of Ding Mao?
   The zodiac sign of the Ding Mao year is the rabbit, and the five elements of the sky belong to fire, so the zodiac sign born in the Ding Mao year is called the fire rabbit.
   What are the Five Elements of Nayin in Dingmao Year?
   In the year of Dingmao, the heavenly stem and the five elements belong to fire (yin fire), and the earthly branches and the five elements belong to wood (yin wood). Dingmao Nayin is the fire in the furnace, and the five elements of Nayin belong to fire. Traditional folk customs generally focus on the five elements of Nayin, so the five elements of Dingmao year belong to fire.
   What is the life of Ding Mao?
   The year of Dingmao is the fire in the furnace, the Fire Rabbit.

   The formula for calculating the year of Dingmao, how to calculate the year of Dingmao

   The number of years divided by 60 is more than 7;





   907(马楚、后梁、南平、前蜀、唐、杨武、五朝十国、吴越)\n967(北汉、北宋、大理、辽、南汉、南唐、宋、吴越) )




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